Manchester my home town

There are other sides to me besides my diabetes one of the things I love is photography. I wanted to share some of the pictures I’ve taken of my home town.      

Get creative with diabetes #3 – This is to the mum’s

  This is a shout out to us “the diabetic mums” The mum’s who live each day in constant turmoil with this ever so perplexing condition, The mum’s who carried you for nine months, Stressed about their sugars, Concerned that they may swing too low or too high, Ever so fearful for their unborn child….

Answers to test your knowledge

1. 1923 2. Leonard Thompson 3. 2007 4. Type 1 diabetes 5. decrease in blood glucose level 6. A lack of insulin, fatty acids being burnt  and the production of ketones 7. 347 million however i think this number may have increased a little. 8.  Happiness 9. 1962 by Leland Clark and Champ Lyons 10.  With diabetes bad…

Test your Diabetes knowledge!

Just a few questions to jog your memory with all things diabetes. See how many you can get! 1. When was insulin first discovered and extracted for the use in diabetic patients? 1880 1923 1946 1825 2. What was the name of the first patient treated with insulin? Thomas Smith Leonard Thompson Jonathan West James…