Test your sugar girl!

Blood glucose  levels = diabetes management A major aspect of being able to manage my diabetes is to regularly test my blood glucose levels. This involves inserting a test strip into a blood glucose machine, pricking my finger to draw blood and applying my blood to a test strip. Testing blood glucose levels (BGL)  is a…

What is Type 1 Diabetes?

What is Type 1 Diabetes? Type 1 diabetes occurs due to a lack of the hormone Insulin in the body (Insulin is  produced in the pancreas). When food is ingested this lack of Insulin causes blood glucose levels to rise as the glucose builds up in the blood stream. ©Clearly Health Being diagnosed with type…

My Diabetes……

How it all started At the age of 11, I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. The symptoms were very subtle to start with. Sheer exhaustion was the first to hit me. My mother began to question ”why was I always tired?” I went to the doctors and was told I was anaemic and needed…