Avoid retinopathy

Let’s prevent retinopathy How can we avoid these complications? Here are some of the steps I try my best to take to avoid complications. 1.      BLOOD SUGARS, BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVELS, BLOOD SUGARS. Get them as tight as possible. Stay within the target levels.I can’t stress how important this is. I try to test my BGL…

Don’t complicate it! Part 1

AVOID, AVOID, AVOID!!!!! This is what I think when I see, or hear  “diabetic complications“. One of the reasons why I stress the importance of having good blood glucose levels and HbA1c control, is to avoid complications caused by diabetes. These complications can affect the eyes, the nerves, the kidneys, muscles and the heart. This…


HbA1C! When I first became diabetic I had no idea what this even meant. I just knew that every 3 to 6 months I would have blood taken from my arm. This blood sample, which seemed like gallons of blood, would then come back to me, a few weeks later in a percentage format. The…

My first hypo!

Let’s face it you can never really be ready for that first “hypo”. “What was to come?” Although I’d read about the symptoms, I could never have imagined the way it would affect me. I wasn’t really prepared for the feelings I was going to experience. The most frightening thing about it all was that…