About Me


Sugar High Sugar Low, also known as Amina, is a diabetes blogger and influencer from the UK. Amina was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes 29 years ago and since then she has been striving to learn as much as she can and develop her understanding of diabetes. She shares her experiences and day-to-day living with the condition on her blog.

She is always learning and trying to develop her understanding of diabetes whilst sharing her experiences and day-to-day living with the condition.

She enjoys spending time with her family and friends, drawing, travelling, and discovering new foods and places. She also has a great love for learning new languages, with French, Korean and Spanish being among those.

She is always active, whether busy being a mother to her 13 and 9-year-old or working in General Medicine. Exercise is essential to her, combined with close monitoring of blood sugar levels as well as a good diet are essential components of Sugar High Sugar Low’s life whilst living with diabetes, She enjoys Yoga, Pilates, swimming, going to the gym or working out at home.

Sugar High Sugar Low’s blog allows for a platform which can raise more awareness for diabetics as she shares her insight into what life truly can be like with such a challenging condition. Everything from her frustrations, her content, and her highs and lows are but a few of the areas in which she explores. It is also a way in which she can connect with other diabetics, newly diagnosed diabetics, and family members or individuals looking for insight into the condition, by learning, sharing and exchanging her knowledge of diabetes.

Let’s try to better understand diabetes (in all its forms) and develop a better relationship with it. Thank you for visiting Sugar High Sugar Low. If you have any questions, please comment on the posts. Or if you’d prefer you can also contact me via email @sugarhighsugarlow83@hotmail.com or via Instagram.

Thank you

Amina xx


11 Comments Add yours

  1. Moji says:

    Hi Amina!

    It’s so nice to see your blog. I was recently diagnosed (at 30) and I’m also a biomedical scientist (postdoc) suddenly so interested in T1DM and a mother 🙂

    Keep up the good work!
    Very inspiring!

    Moji Musa


    1. Thank you so much. I’ve been pretty bad with the blogging since my second baby but I plan on doing a lot more. Thank you for the encouragement. I really appreciate it.


  2. deepeanut123 says:

    Hi Amina! My name is Delaney, I am 15 years old, and I am a Type One Diabetic as well! Your blog is really cool, I am glad to have found it! I also have a blog, I use it to give support and info to children with diabetes. The URL is http://www.thebetesblog.com and it is through WordPress, so feel free to check it out and maybe even follow me! Thanks!


    1. Hi Delaney it’s really nice to connect with you. I’m so glad you like my blog. I just followed you and I’m heading over right now to check your blog out. I hope that we can share and learn from each others experiences with the D. How long have you had diabetes? Thank you for stopping by xx


      1. deepeanut123 says:

        I have a fairly new diagnosis, I was diagnosed about two years ago. I also wanted to say that I also really love science! I want to be a pediatric endocrinologist in the future, so I am working towards that.


      2. Oh really! I love science a bit too much hahahaa. Wow that would be a great profession to go into. You can do it girl.! If your mind is right and you work hard you will be successful. How are you finding the D? Do you wear a pump? Sensor? Injection? I’ve been a pump user now for the past 4 years and Im doing a trial run with the sensor.


      3. deepeanut123 says:

        Diabetes for me has just been another obstacle to overcome. I had a lot of health issues when I was very young, so I guess that that prepared me for dealing with the D. It is a pain, but as you know, you can’t afford to loosen the reins or let it defeat you. I am currently still on the shots. I take small amounts of insulin, and for me to be on the pump my insulin would have to be diluted. But that costs a lot more money, so I’m saying no to that for now.


      4. I love your attitude towards the D. I feel exactly the same way about it. Yes I’ve had my challenges with it but I’m patient with it and I try my best to stay positive about it. You definitely have to keep a tight rein on it. Are you state side? I’m in the UK


      5. deepeanut123 says:

        I live in the United States 🙂


  3. Hi Scott, Its always great to connect with other T1D’s. I’ve also subscribed to your site. I look forward to reading it. Thanks for stopping by 🙂


  4. Hi there, Amina! Great to connect with you. I’ve added your site to my reader and will be back as often as I can to catch up. 🙂


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